“Hypersexualized”, 2018
Video Footage (Both Found and Created), 2:46 minutes
Hypersexualization refers to a girl being depicted or treated as a sexual object, it also means sexuality is inappropriately imposed on girls through social media, marketing, or products directed at them that encourage them to act in adult sexual ways. This video focuses on how our society revolves around an ingrained pedophilic culture forcing young girls to conform to a sexual identity they don’t understand yet. The media sells the idea that girls’ value lies only in their youth, beauty, and sexuality, not in their individuality and humanity, ultimately, fueling toxic masculinity which allows boys to think girls are sex objects. In the video, I used sexual innuendos to describe how even the most innocent things are sexualized. images from Lolita were included because it is a perverse but highly idealized story and aesthetic in our culture.